Atanasis Owner
Joined: 22 May 2004 Posts: 4284 Location: The Net
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:00 pm Post subject: Links Organizer Wordpress Widget |
What it does?
This is a plugin that allows You to easily add a sidebar widget to Your blog to display the link exchanges controlled by Links Organizer.
== Installation ==
1. Download the widget from HERE
2. Upload "linksorganizerwidget" folder to "/wp-content/plugins/" folder of Your Wordpress installation
3. Activate the plugin at the *Plugins* section in Your Wordpress administration panel
4. Go to *Appearance->Widgets* section in your Wordpress administration panel and add Your "Links Organizer Widget" to the sidebar
5. Give a title of your widget as You want it to appear on your blog and put the "Template File" URL or local system path that holds your links
Where can I find my Template File URL or full local system path?
Login to your Links Organizer administration panel. Go to "Sites->Search" from the top menu.
In the list there, click on *Templates* button next to your site. Scroll down the page and click on *Linking* button next to the
template name. On that page You will find your Template URL and full local system path
*** As of now, once you are on the "Linking Page", from the "PHP Include (LOCAL)" code you can copy your template path. It is the path between the include""; statemet
From the "PHP Include (REMOTE)" code you can copy your template url. It is the url between then include""; statement.
As of next script version i will put this in easily spottable area.
What should i use for the Template File - URL or full local system path?
If your Wordpress installation is on same server like your Links Organizer installation use "full local system path"
as that ensures better perfomance when calling the template file holding your links.
If Your Wordpress installation is on different server than your Links Organizer installation use URL as that is the only way
to call the template file remotely on the web.
What my Template File URL looks like?
Your Template File URL looks like http://www.yourdomain.com/lo/site_templates/site_X_X.php
What my Template File full local system path looks like?
Your Template File full local system path looks like /usr/home/yourusername/yourdomain.com/public_html/lo/site_templates/site_X_X.php
Is it safe to call my Template File remotely via URL?
This widget tries to call your Template File with CURL php library first, which is safe. If there is no CURL library enabled,
the widget tries to call your Template File with php include() statement. So, if you want to guarantee Your safety, ask your
hosting administrator to enable CURL library in PHP _________________ Thanks,