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Templates, explained.

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Joined: 22 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:54 pm    Post subject: Templates, explained. Reply with quote
Links Organizer has pretty powerful templating system, which lets you output your linktrades in almost any conceivable way, according to your needs. There are single trades output and mass trades output, to make your work more simpler and easy to manage.

In order to output your linktrades at your sites, you need to create a template for that site. That can be done from Admin Panel->Your Sites->Manage->Templates (for the site you need)

In the template itself you can put any kind of html,css,javascript,php. Basically you can put anything as you put in your pages you create with your favorite webdesign program. You aren't limited at all!

Its better to keep your template as simple and clean from extra stuff as possible, to make the script work even more lightweight. Put any extra code directly in the page at which you will call the template, if possible!

Defining the Links Format

Before you can output anything on the template, you should define how the trades links should look like. The script will use that format for each single trade link it needs to print.

It doesn't matter where you will put the Link Format definition variable! Script is removing it from the template, so it won't appear on the output!

{tradelinkformat,<a href='{url}'>{anchor}</a><br>} - in this simple example the links will be shown with their url and anchor.
{tradelinkformat,<a href='{url}' title='{title}'>{anchor}</a><br>} - here and the link title will be included in the link.
{tradelinkformat,<a href='{url}' title='{title}'>{anchor}</a> - {descr}<br>} - here we added and the description of the link.

So basically as you see, you just define how the A html tag for the links will look like.

Single Trade Output

You can easily output single trade link. This way of making your template is mainly used when you want to spread your trade links all over your site at different places.

{trade1} - outputs trade #1
{trade5} - output trade #5
{trade6} - output trade #6

So probably as you understand you should put your whole page design or only part of it in the template.

Multiple Trades Output
{trades,1-10} - output trades from #1 to #10.
{trades,11-20} - output trades from #11 to #20.

These variables output the trades defined in a list, but you don't forget to put some separator between the links in the "link format" variable! Most cases that separator is the BR html tag for new line.

{tradestable,1-10,5} - outputs a table showing trades from #1 to #10, 5 trades per row.

So as you see, Links Organizer provides ability for easily displaying the trades list in a table. The most important here is that the variable is printing only the rows (the TR) tag and the linktrades in them, its NOT printing the TABLE opening and ending html tag, nor the column tag TD. The TABLE tag is left for you, and the TD must be put in the "Link Format" variable so you can easily customize the whole table look! For direct example take a look little below..

Continue reading this thread to see some sample and ready for use templates!


Sample 1) We will display the top 3 trades all accross our site.

{tradelinkformat,<a href="{url}" title="{title}">{anchor}</a>}
more html
some text here
More text here
more html
some more html..
more html..

Sample 2) We will display top 10 trade in a list one per line.

{tradelinkformat,<a href='{url}' title='{title}'>{anchor}</a><br>}
more html..
Our Top 10 Friends
more html...

Sample 3) Lets display, top 20 trades in a table 4 per row.

{tradelinkformat,<td width='161' align='center' style='padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;'><a href='{url}' title='{title}'>{anchor}</a></td>}
more html..
more html...
Our Top 20 Friends
<table width='965' style="background-color: FFCCFF; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;BORDER: red 1px solid;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
more html...

The important thing in the tables example, is as you see we surrounded our variable {tradestable,1-20,4} with opening and closing TABLE tag, and included in the Link Format variable the opening and closing TD tag.

As you probably noticed in all example templates we put and html in them. Since the linking from the page where the trades will be shown and the template is via php includes, you can just put your whole page design into your actual page, and in the template itself just put the necessary variables and nothing more. Then in your page just put the linking code to the template in the place where you want the trades outputed.

Lets see example on this:

Consider our whole page is like:

more html..
more html...
Our Top 20 Friends
<table width='965' style="background-color: FFCCFF; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;BORDER: red 1px solid;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
more html...

You put this code into your page as you normally do, in your template in Links Organizer put just:
{tradelinkformat,<td width='161' align='center' style='padding-left:3px;padding-right:3px;'><a href='{url}' title='{title}'>{anchor}</a></td>}

save the template, grab its linking code, and on the place of TRADES WILL GET IN HERE in your page, paste the template linking code. And your are done!

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