Atanasis Owner

Joined: 22 May 2004 Posts: 4284 Location: The Net
Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:34 pm Post subject: Admin Panel -> Settings -> Configure |
In this section you will be able to set the main settings the script need to operate properly.
PHP Binary Location - Set here the full internal system path to the executable PHP program file. By default the script manually determines the path and sets it alone, but in some cases that fails, so be sure to check out whether the PHP executable path is correct. Currently script does not require this field to be valid, but for future versions it might be needed, so for now you can leave it as is!
Script URL - Set here the full URL to where the script is installed. By default the script manually determines the URL and sets it alone, but in some cases that fails, so be sure to check out whether the Script URL is correct.
License Key - Set here your license key, if you have purchased the software and wish to upgrade to the full version.
New Admin Password - Set here your desired password for the administration of the software. Touch this field only if you wish to change your current password!
Crawl Feeds every X hours - Set here how often you would like the script to crawl the feeds from your database for updates with new entries.
Regularly feeds are updated from hourly to daily and even once per 1-2 days.. Best value to use for this setting is 3 hours, so that the script will crawl the feeds every 3 hours.
Use Advanced Editor - Set here if you would like to use by default the advanced graphical WYSIWYG editor when editing your entries html content and any other html based fields.
Force UTF-8 - If enabled forces the software to use utf8 encoding in mysql, so that you have no problems with foreign languages characters look crappy. Preferred to be enabled!
Campaigns Pick Unique Entries ONLY - when enabled, script will make sure campaigns will NOT pick posts that have already been picked by other campaigns. Simply this means, and entry will be picked once and published to your blogs. If disabled, script works as normal and an entry won't be picked twice within same campaign, but different campaigns can still pick the entry. _________________ Thanks,