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Link Backs, and Read More Links

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Joined: 24 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:28 am    Post subject: Link Backs, and Read More Links Reply with quote
Hey man,

So often you forget to give a program its proper due before you go about requesting features like it was somehow broken. I'd like to say that your software has proved very helpful, and has inspired me to do new things and go new directions. My hope is that the software will continue to be a success and grow in richness.

Great software, I love it.

However, I don't seem to be able to get something working. You see a lot of feeds are just excerpts, and I'm working in the news world, so this is very common. Blog automator doesn't offer me a way to use the other pieces of data in the feed. When I am re-publishing or syndicating their article, I would love to be able to end every post with something like

Read more great articles like the one above at < link = $feedName > $feedTitle < / a >
and link right back to the sites that provide me feeds and such.

But as of now, it even seems to destry read more links, and I don't have it set to strip HTML. Another software I saw, also added categories for the post from the feed, into the post. Since those categories came from the feed's site, they were a great way to link back.

Any thoughts on how I could do this. I know I could set a campaign for every single feed, and append some sort of accrediation, but it seems sloppy. Even if I could append something to every individual feed it would be a step.

Let me know.
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Joined: 22 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote
hi there, i am glad you like my software!

BA doesn't strip anything unless it is told to do so. Whatever is contain in the following tags of the feed is included in BA database - title,description or content:encoded, link, guid

So, when you don't have "read more" link inside your post, then there is no such in the feed itself.

You can put read more links by using headers/footers in BA
Create a footer like this:
<a href="{RSS_LINK}">Read More Here</a>

It can't put title of the site yet, but i will see if i can include that in the future

currently BA doesn't read categories tag from feeds. Even if it did you can't use them directly to link back to the original site, since they are just category names, not complete urls. So, if the site structure differs from http://www.url.com/category/ or something around it, you won't be able to place correct link back.

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Joined: 24 Sep 2008
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:00 pm    Post subject: Custom Edit Reply with quote
Thanks, I've been able to do great things with that RSS_LINK feature.

However, I would really love to have other variable available to me from the RSS Feeds. Is there anyway I could get the following variables to be made available.

RSS BLOG Description

It would change my whole world over here. Is there any way that could be added to my software immediately. Your support is so immediate and diligent, perhaps you could bill me some reasonable amout for the coding time it takes to add my feature, then you could make it part of your updated software for everyone you sell if you like. I don't care. I just could really use this functionality so I'm sure we could work something out.

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Joined: 22 May 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote
no those additional things can't be added right away, because currently script is not made to read them at all and save them in database. So it will require script modifications and database modifications.

I will add these in my todo list for next version, thanks for suggesting them!

I can't make them now for you even against payment, because i am really busy with offline stuff and rest time i spend on updating one of the rest scripts i have, because i really need to finish that update asap.

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